e3Business Training


The e3Business Guide: An Easy, Effective and Efficient Approach to Management by Jim Carmack & Brett Sparks presents three principles, 9 core beliefs and 21 tools for easy, effective and efficient management. e3Business offers clients a customized e3Guide training site. For the e3Business training demo site, CLICK HERE.

Book Excerpts

Several excerpts below provide a sense of the writing style that is intended to be humorous and engaging. The Table of Contents reflects the topics covered, while the About this Book excerpt provides some background on why the book was written.

  1. Table of Contents (CLICK HERE)
  2. About This Book (CLICK HERE)
  3. The First e3Principle (CLICK HERE)
  4. Event Cycle Beliefs (CLICK HERE)
  5. Asides (CLICK HERE)


The e3Business Guide: An Easy, Effective and Efficient Approach to Management is currently available for $49.99 through email in PDF. Please contact e3Business to purchase at contact@e3Business.com or click below. Nevada Sales Tax for Clark County is added to all sales.