All of e3Business’ client relationships begin with e3Business’ client advocacy. e3Business assumes the client’s perspective and objectives and then reviews management and operations. While every business is unique, e3Business believes that all businesses are systems that share a common structure. e3Business’ beliefs and tools address the elements of the common structure.
Once e3Business has had a chance to share the client’s vantage point, the client and e3Business can collaborate to identify areas of improvement and to craft a plan to make meaningful changes. The e3Business process sets needed criteria and can review the implementation through several feedback channels.
e3Business tailors its fees to fit its client’s needs. There is no charge to discuss your business with e3Business. e3Business performs business assessments, creates staff development programs and engages in client-specific projects. Fees for services are quoted up-front on a per-hour, per-month or per-project basis.