e3Business, LLC provides easy, effective and efficient business advocacy, consulting services and staff development utilizing the principles that:
- Aligned beliefs are necessary for success.
- All organizations are a system.
- Collaboration heightens success.
e3Business’ management approach is based on promoting core beliefs supporting Six Steps:
- Employ a Situational Perspective
- What people, events and friction are involved?
- What people, events and friction are involved?
- Conduct an Appraisal
- What are the organization’s construction, measurements and rules?
- Embrace Personal Growth
- What feedback, adaptions and opportunities are available?
- Know the Business
- What are the organizations levels, processes and culture?
- Foster Collaboration
- Promote productive communication and positive relationships, while understanding personalities, needs, demands and abilities.
- Focus on the Mission
- Assess, Plan, Apply Criteria and Implement.
For examples of the e3Business Principles and Six Steps, Click Here.
Please take some time to explore the above tabs, the below links and contact e3Business at contact@e3Business.com with any questions.
- About e3Business (Click Here)
- Why e3Business (Click Here)
- About our Clients (Click Here)
Related sites:
- TheSupportPlatform.com–Management information for Integrative and Functional Medicine offices.
- FMEC Platform–Platform offering for Integrative and Functional Medicine offices.
- e3FM.com–Information regarding Integrative and Functional Medicine health topics.