To e3Tools Book includes 30 asides to illustrate and elaborate key points. The asides are equally divided between Did You Know?, For Further Review and Mo’ Info, Mo’ Knowledge. Three samples asides are below.
Did You Know? (Event Cycles)
White House staff members submit their resignations when they are hired. This makes their departure easy, as they are simply informed that their resignation has been accepted. This is an example of planning for the change from the start. So are prenuptial agreements.
For Further Review (Time Management)
Management consultant Peter Drucker said, “There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.” There are lots of reasons that things get done when they shouldn’t get done, but major contributors seem to be a lack of communication, a failure to revisit objectives and a failure to adapt to change. While doing something unnecessary seems benign, our systems belief supports that nothing is ever really benign. Failing to delete unnecessary tasks results in resource utilization and potential negative consequences with very little upside.
Mo’ Info, Mo’ Knowledge (The Rules of Business)
Even if you could win, we’re not sure you would want to win. In economics, the law of diminishing returns holds that incremental increases in a single factor of production will, at some point, decrease the incremental output of production. Put another way, “Perfect is the enemy of good,” an aphorism popularized by Voltaire. Rather than pursuing perfection, managers should pursue “good enough.”
The pursuit was also addressed in Leonardo da Vinci’s statement, “Art is never finished, only abandoned.” The implication is that artists pursue unobtainable perfection for their works. At some point, artists have to accept that their works can’t be perfect and move on by abandoning their works as finished products.